Improper Lane Change

Getting a driving ticket violation is not an easy situation. If you do not take action immediately, you will end up with serious problems.  Do not let this kind of situation stop you from doing what you need to do. 

We are a traffic ticket defense attorney in Allen Park, Michigan ready to fight for you. We represent individuals with traffic-related offenses, including: 

  • Driving The Wrong Way on a Divided Highway
  • Driving Without Insurance
  • Driving After Suspension (DAS)
  • Driving After Cancellation (DAC)
  • Driving After Revocation (DAR)
  • Driving under the influence (DUI) and Reckless Driving
  • Failure to Pay Traffic Fines
  • Failure to Complete Driving School
  • Failure to Yield
  • Failure to Use Turn Signals
  • Failure to Obey Traffic Control Device
  • Following Too Closely
  • Felony Hit and Run
  • Forgot to put your Turn Signal On
  • Habitual Traffic Offender
  • Speeding
  • Lane Violations
  • Running a Red Light
  • Red Light Camera Tickets
  • Illegal Lane Change
  • Felony Hit and Run
  • Racing on a Public Highway

Experienced Reckless Driving Defense Lawyer From Allen, Park Michigan

With over two decades of experience, we have helped many drivers to avoid taking points and costly insurance increases. We always take pride in providing legal advice & assistance to all our clients. 

If you need a traffic ticket lawyer who can help you to get the strong support you need in court, we are available anytime for you. We are happy to sit down with you and talk about your best options. Your future is important to us. Let us help you protect your driving record and save your valuable time. For a FREE quote and FREE consultation, call us at 586-755-2900 today!